Sunday, September 04, 2005

Report From New Orleans

I received this email from my friend Stacy, who is a LSU Medical School graduate and is in residency in New Orleans. Quite an amazing report, great job Stacey.

hey all.
very exhausted this afternoon after my first good sleep in 6 days.
i had the privilege of taking care of my patients at university hospital during the hurricane and that was truly an unforgettable experience. after 4 days without A/C and 3 days without running water, I can gladly say it is good to be home.

we delivered babies by flashlight and sat around watching the helicopters pass us by as we comforted new moms and held newborn babies to keep them warm.

supplies got low, antibiotics ran out, but somehow we finally got everyone out on Friday. The most scary experience I have ever been through...thankful to be alive.

University and Charity Hospitals are a island in the middle of a sewer about 9 feet high. The campus is just was an unbelievable site to see as I was carried out by airboat on friday.

will keep all of you posted. please stay in touch and keep everyone who lost homes and lives in your prayers. John and I's house survived and we are very thankful. we look forward to seeing any of your faces in the coming weeks as the relief effort in BR and surrounding areas will be a tough one.

miss all of you-

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